Monero is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies. It is distinguished by the fact that it is considered one of the most secure, safe, untraceable, i.e. maximally confidential. In 2014, the Monero cryptocurrency was launched as a fork of ByteCoin. The owner of the coins is guaranteed privacy, information about balances or transactions is known only to him, other people will never be able to access it. This crypto is an excellent way to earn money. It can be mined (independently or in a mining pool), received in the form of mutual settlements, transfers. You can use it in the Internet space in the same way as any other crypto, and if necessary, withdraw it in a convenient way. There are many withdrawal options, Monero is highly quoted and trades well on all major exchanges. But if you need to exchange it for cash rubles, then there is only one way out – contact an electronic exchanger. Ensuring the security of the transaction if you want to exchange Monero (XMR) for Visa and MasterCard euro card at the exchanger.

You can find exchange services ready to sell Monero (XMR) to Visa and MasterCard euro card by clicking on the link It leads to the listing of the monitoring portal, generated based on current data received from reliable exchangers.

Security in the case of exchanging cryptocurrencies is a primary factor. You should only contact trusted services. Those exchange sites that are included in the monitoring layout are guaranteed to be reliable, since they are checked by the system, and are functioning accurately.

Ensuring the profitability of the transaction for selling Monero for Visa and MasterCard euro card

The second factor in the successful exchange of Monero for Visa and MasterCard euro card is the profitability of the transaction. It is influenced by the following points:

  • exchange rate;
  • commissions;
  • special conditions and restrictions.

You can view the current list of the best exchange sites rates at This monitoring portal forms its ratings based on such an indicator as price advantage. The top positions will be occupied by those exchangers whose main rate at the time of the user’s request is the most advantageous for him. At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate the influence of other factors (commissions, restrictions, lack of fixing the rate at the time of the client’s request).

Speed ​​of crypto exchange and receipt on the card

Speed ​​of service and instant transactions, which can be carried out around the clock, are significant advantages of exchangers. When it comes to online exchange, everything happens within a few minutes. If the client wants to receive cash during the transaction, the process will take longer.

The application itself and its processing are carried out almost instantly, then the client receives payment instructions and must transfer the agreed amount of XMR to the exchanger’s wallet. After the crypto is received by the service, it can be received on the EUR Credit Card.

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