Terminating a credit card may be a crucial measure in handling your finances. If you possess a TJ Maxx credit card and wish to terminate it, this manual will furnish you with a detailed procedure. Keep in mind, discontinuing a credit card could have repercussions on your credit rating, hence it is vital to evaluate all aspects before taking action.

Things to Consider Before Cancelling Your TJ Maxx Credit Card

Prior to proceeding with the cancellation of your card, it is imperative to take into account various factors. The act of canceling a card can significantly impact your credit score, hence it is vital to carefully assess this potential outcome before finalizing your decision. Furthermore, it is crucial to bear in mind that any unused reward points will be lost upon cancellation.

Therefore, it is recommended to redeem these points prior to initiating the cancellation process. Lastly, ensure that you clear any outstanding balance on your card before proceeding with the cancellation. This will help you steer clear of any potential complications or fees related to unpaid balances. Kindly reflect on these considerations before moving forward with the cancellation of your card.

Understanding the Implications

Prior to proceeding with the cancellation, it is crucial to comprehend the possible consequences:

  • Credit Score Influence: The cancellation of a credit card can have an impact on your credit score due to its effect on your credit utilization ratio and credit history.
  • Reward Points: Make sure to redeem any remaining reward points before they are forfeited upon cancellation.
  • Unpaid Balance: Clear any outstanding balance before attempting to cancel the card, as it cannot be done with an unpaid balance.
  • Automatic Payments: Verify if there are any automatic payments associated with your card and transfer them to an alternative payment method.

Also Read: How To Cancel Citi Credit Card

Contacting Customer Service

To initiate the cancellation process for your TJ Maxx credit card, the initial step involves reaching out to their customer service department.

  • Locate the Contact Number: You can find the customer service number either on the rear side of your credit card or on your monthly statement.
  • Gather Your Details: Keep your card number and personal information readily available for verification purposes.
  • Contact Within Operational Hours: Make sure to contact them during their designated business hours to connect with a representative.

Contact details of tj maxx

Information Details
Customer Support Phone 1-800-952-6133
Customer support email[email protected]
Official websitehttps://tjmaxx.tjx.com/store/index.jsp
Mail Address770 Cochituate RoadFramingham, MA 01701USA

Also Read: How To Cancel Kohl’s Credit Card

How to Cancel via Phone

To cancel your TJ Maxx credit card via telephone, follow these simple steps:

  • Dial the Number: Call the customer service number that is provided on your credit card or monthly statement.
  • Verify Your Identity: As a security measure, you will be required to verify your identity.
  • Request Cancellation: After your identity has been confirmed, kindly ask the representative to proceed with canceling your card.

How to Cancel via Email

Should you wish to cancel your card through email, please adhere to the following instructions:

  • Draft an Email: Compose an email clearly stating your desire to cancel the card. Remember to provide your name and the last four digits of your card number (avoid sharing the full card number for security purposes).
  • Send the Email: Forward the email to the designated customer service email address specified by TJ Maxx.
  • Await Confirmation: Be patient and wait for a response confirming the successful cancellation of your card.

How to Cancel through Customer Support

You have the option to cancel your card via TJ Maxx’s online customer service:

  • Sign In: Sign in to your account on the TJ Maxx website.
  • Access Support: Access the customer support or contact us section.
  • Submit Cancellation Request: Proceed with the instructions to submit a request for card cancellation.

Cancellation Policy of TJ Maxx Credit Card

To adhere to TJ Maxx’s cancellation policy, it is imperative to settle any outstanding balance on your card before initiating the cancellation process. Following this crucial prerequisite, the subsequent step involves contacting TJ Maxx’s customer service to formally request the cancellation of your card.

During this interaction, be prepared to furnish the necessary information and potentially discuss the reasons behind your decision to cancel. It is essential to bear in mind that canceling your card can have an impact on your credit score and may result in the forfeiture of any associated rewards.

Therefore, it is advisable to carefully review the cancellation policy and not hesitate to seek clarification from TJ Maxx’s customer service. Additionally, consulting with a financial advisor or conducting thorough research prior to proceeding with the cancellation is also recommended.

Alternatives of TJ Maxx Credit Card

If you’re considering alternatives to the TJ Maxx credit card, here are a few options:

  • Store Credit Cards: Other store credit cards may offer better rewards or lower interest rates.
  • Cash Back Cards: Cash back cards can provide you with rewards on all purchases, not just those at TJ Maxx.
  • Low Interest Cards: If you carry a balance, a low interest card may save you money in the long run.

I hope this expanded guide provides the detailed information you’re looking for. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

Requesting Cancellation

  • Kindly express your desire to terminate your TJ Maxx credit card once you have established contact with a representative.
  • Anticipate inquiries regarding the reason for your cancellation and be ready to provide answers to these queries.
  • Request a formal written confirmation of the cancellation of your credit card for documentation purposes.

Post-Cancellation Steps

After your card is cancelled, there are a few steps you should take:

  • Retain Confirmation: Keep the confirmation letter or email for your personal records. 
  • Review Credit Report: Verify that your credit report reflects the account as “closed”. 
  • Dispose of the Card: After confirming the cancellation, securely destroy your card to mitigate the risk of unauthorized use.


In conclusion, canceling your TJ Maxx credit card can be a straightforward process, but it’s crucial to weigh the potential consequences beforehand. Remember, cancellation may impact your credit score and forfeit any rewards. Once you’ve decided to proceed, contact customer service via phone, email, or online chat and clearly request cancellation. Ensure your balance is paid and request written confirmation. Finally, update your budget, dispose of your card securely, and monitor your credit report. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth cancellation and make an informed financial decision.


Does closing a credit card hurt your credit?

Closing a credit account removes a source of credit history, which can temporarily impact your score negatively. However, this effect is often short-lived if you continue to manage other credit accounts responsibly.

Does TJ Maxx credit card have an annual fee?

Annual fee: $0. Welcome bonus: 10% off your first purchase when you apply and receive approval (terms apply). Rewards: 5% back in rewards on applicable purchases at TJX stores. Purchases outside of TJX earn 1% back.

Is it better to cancel a credit card or let it close?

Canceling a credit card can be a direct hit to your credit score, making it often better to keep the account open, especially if it’s rarely-used. Correctly managing an open account requires extra attention but can help your credit in the long run.

Deciding between cancellation and letting an account remain open depends on how you balance potential credit score impacts against the benefits of simplifying your finances.

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