Credit cards serve as a valuable financial instrument, however, there might be a point where a specific card is no longer necessary. This could be due to the card’s balance being fully paid off and no longer in use, or perhaps you are seeking to streamline your financial affairs. Regardless of the motive, it is crucial to understand the correct procedure for cancelling a credit card in order to prevent any negative effects on your credit rating. This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to cancel your Comenity Bank Credit Card.

Things To Consider Before Cancelling Your Card

  • Impact on Credit Score: Canceling a card can lead to a decrease in your credit score. However, this may not be a major issue if you are effectively managing other debts.
  • Future Credit Needs: Keeping your only credit card for emergencies or travel purposes can be beneficial.
  • Fraud Susceptibility: Unused cards can increase your vulnerability to fraud if you do not monitor them regularly.
  • Card Provider Offers: If your current card provider is offering attractive deals to new customers, canceling your card and reapplying within a specific timeframe may allow you to take advantage of these offers.

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Steps to Cancel Your Comenity Bank Credit Card

  • To cancel your card, it is important to first check your balance to ensure that you have no outstanding debt. If there is still a balance on your card, you will need to either pay it off or transfer the balance to a different card.
  • To contact Comenity Bank, log in to your account and click on the Help tab. From there, you can access a list of frequently asked questions. Under the My Account section, you will find a question about closing your account. This question provides a phone number specifically for closing your store card.
  • Follow the instructions provided and call the designated number to begin the process of closing your account. You will be guided through automated steps to complete the closure.
  • Once you have followed all the necessary steps to close your account, it is important to obtain confirmation that your account has indeed been closed.

Contact Customer Service

  • Access your account online and send a message securely.
  • Contact the number provided on the back of your card or on your billing statement via phone.
  • Send a letter to the address mentioned on your billing statement through mail.

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Contact details

Customer Support Phone1-855-823-1001                                   (TDD/TTY: 1-800-695-1788)
Mail addressComenity Bank, PO Box 182789, Columbus, OH 43218-2789
Official website

How to Cancel via Phone

  • Locate the Number: The contact information for customer service can typically be found on the reverse side of your card or within your billing statement.
  • Initiate the Call: Dial the provided number and adhere to the instructions given to connect with a customer service representative.
  • Express Cancellation Request: Once connected, inform the representative of your intention to cancel your card.

How to Cancel via Email

  • Access your account by logging in with your credentials.
  • Draft a secure message to request the cancellation of your card.
  • Click the send button and patiently await a response confirming your request.

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How to Cancel through Customer Support

  • Get in touch with our support team: Contact our customer support using the communication method that suits you best, whether it’s via phone, email, or mail.
  • Express your desire to cancel: Clearly communicate your intention to cancel your card when reaching out to us.
  • Receive guidance: Our dedicated customer support representative will provide you with step-by-step instructions to assist you throughout the process.

Cancellation Policy of Comenity Bank Credit Card

There are no fees involved in canceling your card, but it is crucial to settle your outstanding balance before initiating the cancellation. After the cancellation process is finished, you will receive a confirmation for your personal records.

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Alternatives to Comenity Bank Credit Card

Certainly, here are a few concise options for the Comenity Bank Credit Card:

  • Comenity Mastercard Credit Card: Provides an unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases made.
  • Citi Custom Cash Card: Offers varying cash back rates based on the spending category.
  • Bank of America Customized Cash Rewards credit card: Provides a generous 3% cash back in a category of your preference.
  • U.S. Bank Cash+ Visa Signature Card: Offers an impressive 5% cash back in two chosen eligible categories every quarter.

Please ensure to thoroughly review the terms and conditions before proceeding with any credit card application.

Video Guide for cancelling Comenity Bank Credit Card


In conclusion, canceling your Comenity Bank Credit Card can be a straightforward process, but remember to weigh the potential consequences. Closing the account might impact your credit score and you’ll lose any rewards associated with the card. Ensure you settle any outstanding balance before initiating the cancellation. There are multiple ways to cancel, including phone, email, secure message within your online account, or even traditional mail. Consider alternative cards that may better suit your spending habits before making a final decision. By following these steps and considering alternatives, you can make an informed choice about canceling your Comenity Bank Credit Card.

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How do I completely cancel a credit card?

  • Pay off any remaining balance. Pay off your credit card balance in full prior to canceling your card.
  • Redeem any rewards. 
  • Call your bank. 
  • Send a cancellation letter. 
  • Check your credit report. 
  • Destroy your old card.

How can I cancel my credit card online?

To initiate an online request, you must access the bank’s official website, complete the designated form, and proceed with submitting the request. Following the submission, a bank representative will contact you to verify the cancellation request.

Does canceling credit cards hurt your credit?

Closing a credit card has the potential to raise your credit utilization ratio, which represents the proportion of credit you are utilizing in relation to your overall available credit. Additionally, it may result in a decrease in your average credit age and a reduction in the number of credit accounts you possess. Consequently, this could result in a decline in your credit score.

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